Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Before the Proposal Came the Ring (Part 1)

So Daniel and I knew we wanted to get married for a long time.  He actually took me on vacation to Hawai'i (it's kind of our place, if you haven't picked up on that) as a graduation gift after we had been dating about 9 months, just weeks before we moved in together.

And let me tell you, our coworkers were sure he was going to propose.  I mean, I was shocked how much I heard about it when we hadn't even been together a year!  Later he admitted that he did actually briefly consider it, but knew we weren't ready to take that step.  Thank goodness for my clear headed honey, because he was totally right.  We burned to a crisp our first day on the beach and still had an amazing trip.  It was also nice to confirm we could spend two weeks together non-stop and still like each other.

On top of Diamond Head c. 2010 / Personal Photo

Anyways, fast forward a couple of years, and we had definitely had the marriage talk.  With the marriage talk came the ring talk.

I am lucky enough to have a dad who was an amateur jeweler in his youth and a close family friend, Uncle D, who is our go-to-guy for any jewelry related purchases.  I had tried to gently tell my previous boyfriends that they really should consult with my family before buying me jewelry, because not only did I already own some really nice pieces, but I'm actually pretty picky (none of those other boys listened, btw).

Now I have a secret to share ..... Daniel is totally picky too.  He probably would deny it if I read this to him before I pressed publish (sorry honey), but he totally is.  So let's start with what he wanted in a ring:

Daniel's Ring Guidelines:
1. No three-stone rings 

2. No Halos

3. Approximately a 1 carat center stone (his guidelines, not mine)
Ok, so this was actually way bigger than one carat / Personal Photo

Fairly straightforward.  Luckily, I shared some of his preferences.

Melanie's Ring Guidelines:
1. No Halos (just not my style)

2. Something simple and classic

3. Good quality diamond and workmanship

4. ummmm........ pretty?

That's right, beyond an incredibly general preference for simplicity and quality, I had no idea what I wanted.  

Next, we go shopping!

Please tell me I'm not the only one with no clue?

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